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  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

泛读(第一册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 本书特色


泛读(第一册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 内容简介


泛读(第一册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 目录

unit one
 thinking starters
 text a: will spelling count?
 text b: how to read better and faster
 reading skills: contextual clues to word meaning
 readings and self-testing
unit two
 thinking starters
 text a: the book that changed my lives: an introduction
 text b: for the love of books
 reading skills: guessing word meaning from word formation (i)
 readings and self-testing
unit three
 thinking starters
 text a: giving disorganized boys the tools for success
 text b: the traditional approach and why it doesn't work
 reading skills: guessing word meaning from word formation (ii)
 readings and self-testing
unit four
 thinking starters
 text a: bringing the best out of people
 text b: putting feelings into words
 reading skills: guessing word meaning from synonyms and antonyms (i)
 readings and self-testing
 thinking starters
 text a: independence day
 text b: independence day (continued)
 reading skills: guessing word meaning from synonyms and antonyms (ii)
 readings and self-testing
unit six
 thinking starters
 text a: beauty: when the other dancer is the self
 text b: beauty: when the other dancer is the self (continued)
 reading skills: recognizing examples and illustration
 readings and self-testing
unit seven
 thinking starters
 text a: the threat of secondhand smoke justifies smoking restrictions
 text b: smoking should be treated as nicotine addiction
 reading skills: prediction
 readings and self-testing
unit eight
 thinking starters
 text a: channelled whelk
 text b: never say never
 reading skills: recognizing restatement
 readings and self-testing
unit nine
 thinking starters
 text a: an honest doubter
 text b: my friend lodovico
 reading skills: skimming
 readings and self-testing
unit ten
 thinking starters
 text a: own this child
 text b: barbie to baby einstein: get over it
 reading skills: scanning
 readings and self-testing
unit eleven
 thinking starters
 text a: australia: an underappreciated nation
 text b: towards one destiny
 reading skills: summarizing (i)
 readings and self-testing
unit twelve
 thinking starters
 text a: on seeing england for the first time
 text b: welcome to st paul's
 reading skills: summarizing (ii)
 readings and self-testing
unit thirteen
 thinking starters
 text a: a granddaughter's fear
 text b: on the verge of adulthood: older teens and the library
 reading skills: recognizing sequence (i)
 readings and self-testing
unit fourteen
 thinking starters
 text a: joyas voladoras
 text b: leader of the pack: the fascinating lives of wolves
 reading skills: recognizing sequence (ii)
 readings and self-testing
unit fifteen
 thinking starters
 text a: 86,400 hours
 text b: men and women talking on the job
 reading skills: signal words (i)
 readings and self-testing
unit sixteen
 thinking starters
 text a: gravity
 text b: what if it happens in your family?
 reading skills: signal words (ii)
 readings and self-testing

泛读(第一册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 节选


泛读(第一册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 相关资料

插图:Despite the current high demand for M.B.A. graduates, many international students still struggle to get a job offer——-or even an interview. At Kenan-Flagler, for instance, only about 40% of the recruiters will meet with foreign nationals. The chief reasons for such resistance: the limited number of U.S. work visas and language deficiencies.Business schools can't do much about visas, but they can try to overcome language barriers. North Carolina is sending audiotapes of its international students to recruiters and counting on their feedback to establish benchmarks for English proficiency for specific industries. For example, students might receive a rating of five out of nine on the English test and learn that they must raise it to seven to be hired by a technology company or to eight to satisfy a bank's requirements.Kenan-Flagler's career-services office finds that English fluency is especially important in investment banking, consulting and consumer-products marketing. But other industries expect fluency in English as well. We're a global company and we look to foreign students for their international business knowledge and cultural experiences, says Clive Pinto, human- resources manager for W.R. Grace, a chemical manufacturer. But our ability to capitalize on their knowledge depends on their English proficiency.In the HEELS classes at North Carolina, students are grouped by their native regions, such as Western Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Africa or Latin America, because they tend to share similar problems with accent and pronunciation. The program also addresses nonverbal communication and body language, which may vary from culture to culture. The classes attempt to change behavior that might be misinterpreted by U.S. managers, co-workers or clients. For example, a U.S. recruiter would expect direct eye contact and a firm handshake, says Mindy Storrie, interim director of Kenan-Flagler's career management center, but that isn't a universal norm in other countries' business dealings.

泛读(第一册)(超越概念——高等院校英语专业系列教材) 作者简介

编者:郭庆民 张卫平 龙艳 等 丛书主编:何其莘 (美国)杨孝明何其莘,博士,北京外国语大学教授,博士生导师。1994年-2005年任北外副校长,现为中国人民大学外国语学院院长、清华大学双聘教授、广东外语外贸大学等29所院校的客座教授、教育部高校英语专业教学指导委员会主任、全国翻译硕士专业学位教育指导委员会副主任、全国英国文学学会会长、全国有突出贡献的中青年专家。主要成果包括:Listento This,《新概念英语》,《文化透视英语教程》,《英国文艺复兴时期文学史》,《英国戏剧史》,《英国中古时期文学史》,《中国学者眼中的英国文学》等。杨孝明博士,教授。毕业于西安外国语大学,后获英国诺丁汉大学英语硕士学位、美国鲍陵格林州立大学英语博士学位。在俄亥俄州鲍陵格林大学和新泽西州海洋郡学院任教二十余年,教授英文写作、英美文学和语言学等课程,现为新泽西州海洋郡学院英语系终身教授。主要成果包括:The Rhetoric Propaganda、Error of Creativity A Hundved Flowers Blossoming,《中国式英语错误分析》,《文学批评理论的运用》等。

