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Low-carbon Lifestyle-低碳新生活

  2020-06-16 00:00:00  

Low-carbon Lifestyle-低碳新生活 本书特色

  many chinese have connected their lifestyle with "low carbon" before understanding the true meaning of the term. a low-carbon lifestyle is a fashion for the younger generation,an ideal for the older generation,a frequent topic for grass-roots officials,and a method by which chinese enterprises can promote their products.regardless of the factors of global environment and international politics,"low carbon" has become a widely   touted concept in china.   it is obvious that people's knowledge of a "low-carbon iifestyle" is simple and vague,but accurate.a low-carbon lifestyle refers to a lifestyle with fewer greenhouse gas (ghg)emissions actually,the "carbon" here is more   than carbon dioxide (c02);methane (ch4),nitrous oxide n2o),hydrochlorofluorocarbons perfluorocarbons,and sulfur hexafluoride (sf6)are also among the ghg emission limitations mentioned in the kyoto protocol.

Low-carbon Lifestyle-低碳新生活 内容简介

  many chinese have connectecl their lifestyie with "low carbon" before understancling the true meaning ofthe term.a low-carbon lifestyle is a fashion for the younger generation,an ideal for the older generation,a frequent topic for grass-roots officials.and a method by which chinese
  enterprises can promote their products. rcgardiess of the factors of global environment and international politics,"low carbon" has become a widely tolited coiiccpt in china.
  it is obvious that people's knowlcclge of a "low-carbon lifestyle" is simple and vagne.but accurate.a low-carbon lifestyle refers to a lifestyie with fewer greenhousc gas (ghc) cmissions.
  actually,the "carbon" here is more than carbon dioxide(co2);methane(ch4), nitrous oxide (n2o),hydrochlorotluorocarbons pertluorocarbons,and suifur hexafluoride (sf6) are also among the ghg emission iimitations mentioned in the kyoto protocol.

Low-carbon Lifestyle-低碳新生活 目录

preface low-carbon lifestyle:first and only choice of the chinese people
chapter 1 low carbon:radical public awareness and vanguard lifestyle
low-carbon lifestyle in the eyes of ordinary people
extraordinary public enthusiasm
when low carbon is a mainstream trend
commodity selling points and different marketing methods
"brother low-carbon"-self-scoffing ofthe peoplein the low-carbon culture
lohas-a healthy and happy lifestyle

chapter 2 saving the glaciers with low-carbon clothing
low carbon:a new fashion led by pop stars
low-carbon fashions becoming popular
fashion and the circular economy
low-carbon washing
industrial manufacturing:carbon label, eco circle and "5r" Low-carbon Lifestyle-低碳新生活
