日常必备口语放口袋-300分钟MP3 内容简介
日常必备口语放口袋-300分钟MP3 目录
chapter1 家庭琐事少不了family section 1睡觉起床 sleeping and waking up section 2洗洗漱漱 washing up section 3梳妆打扮 dressing up section 4一日三餐 meals section 5收拾碗碟 cleaning up the dishes section 6亲朋好友 relatives and friends section 7花销储蓄 spending and saving money chapter2 民以食为天eating section l商定餐馆 where to eat section 2点餐 ordering food section 3上菜用餐 serving meals and eating section 4买单 paying section 5在西餐厅 at the western restaurant section 6在快餐店 at the fast—food restaurant…… section 7在自助餐馆 at the cafeteria section 8在咖啡厅 at the cafe section 9在酒吧 at the bar section l0在茶馆 at the teahouse chapter3 身体健康*重要health section l感冒发烧 suffering from a cold and fever… section 2描述症状 describing the symptoms section 3预约医生 doctor appointment section 4挂号就诊 registering and seeing a doctor section 5医院门诊 hospitals and clinics section 6手术护理 operation and care section 7买药吃药 medicine section 8住院出院 living in the hospital section 9医疗保险 medical insurance chapter4 公共服务不能缺public service chapter5好好学习,天天向上study chapter6工作实现价值work chapter7你说我说他说communication chapter8以恋爱为基础的婚姻love chapter9出门交通少不了traffic chapter10旅行休闲放轻松travel chapter11购物狂的自由shopping chapter12态度情感要分明emotions