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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

朗文托福考试口语特训-第二版-含MP3 内容简介


朗文托福考试口语特训-第二版-含MP3 目录

structures & features

chapter 1 independent speaking 1 (personal experience)
sample place
unit 1 person
unit 2 culture
unit 3 event
unit 4 animals
unit 5 tv & movies
unit 6 music
unit 7 literature
unit 8 subjects at school
unit 9 sports
unit 10 personal possessions
unit 11 famous words
unit 12 personal words
unit 13 emotion & sentiment
unit 14 games
unit 15 style & habits
unit 16 food
unit 17 hobby
practice test

chapter 2 independent speaking 2 (personal preference)
sample renting an apartment or living in dormitories
section 1 preference (unit 1~7)
unit 1 a car or a vacation
unit 2 cash or gift
unit 3 studying alone or in a group
unit 4 making a complaint in person or in writing
unit 5 indoors or outdoors
unit 6 customs
unit 7 by car or by train
section 2 agree or disagree (unit 1~8)
unit 1 chores
unit 2 beauty
unit 3 success
unit 4 decisions
unit 5 professional athletes and entertainers
unit 6 zoos
unit 7 teaching
unit 8 military service
section 3 comparison (unit 1~8)
unit 1 a summer job
unit 2 travel
unit 3 used items
unit 4 censorship
unit 5 a retail store
unit 6 learning a new language
unit 7 news
unit 8 food
practice test

chapter 3 integrated speaking 1 (reading & listening;conversation)
sample an online program
unit 1 professor fairway
unit 2 the commuter challenge competition
unit 3 a curriculum change
unit 4 the international internship program
unit 5 library closures
unit 6 fire regulations
unit 7 a nature walk
practice test

chapter 4 integrated speaking 2 (reading & listening;lecture)
sample immunization
unit 1 communication and language
unit 2 is air matter?
unit 3 objectivity in journalism
unit 4 human genome project
unit 5 animal rights
unit 6 romanticism
unit 7 pesco-and pollo-vegetarianism
practice test

chapter 5 integrated speaking 3 (listening; conversation)
sample interviewing homeless people
unit 1 future plans
unit 2 choosing a play
unit 3 work shift
unit 4 taking a working or relaxing holiday
unit 5 a mountain climbing trek
unit 6 capital punishment
unit 7 the use of zoos
practice test

chapter 6 integrated speaking 4 (listening; lecture)
sample california's agriculture
unit 1 learning disability
unit 2 the tourism industry
unit 3 a photography group
unit 4 the third world
unit 5 teenage years
unit 6 unions
unit 7 racism
practice test

actual test
actual test 1
actual test 2

朗文托福考试口语特训-第二版-含MP3 作者简介

  南加州大学英语教育学硕士,曾任三星、起亚等优秀企业的TOEIC、TOEFL培训师,洛杉矶州立大学TOEIC、GRE、写作课程讲师,2002世界杯组织委员会外景报道组长,路透社韩国世界杯企划部部长。曾在知名语言学院从事TOEIC、TOEFL在线讲座,编辑、出版过50余本语言学相关教材,现为自由翻译、国际会议主持人,同时经营JI-YEON LEE英语研究所和BOOKCUBE出版社。

