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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

欧.亨利短篇小说集-世界名著珍藏版 本书特色

  他是美国*著名的短篇小说家之一   他被誉为“世界短篇小说之王”“曼哈顿桂冠作家”   他描写的美国社会和纽约百姓的生活,堪称“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。

欧.亨利短篇小说集-世界名著珍藏版 内容简介


欧.亨利短篇小说集-世界名著珍藏版 目录

the cop and the anthem 1
the gift of the magi 10
the romance of a busy broker 18
the lotus and the bottle 24
a lickpenny lover 38
memoirs of a yellow dog 46
hearts and hands 52
witches’ loaves 55
by courier 61
the princess and the puma 66
a double-dyed deceiver 74
the mammon and the archer 79
the love-philtre of ikey schoenstein 87
the exact science of matrimony 94
the furnished room 102
springtime a la carte 112
a service of love 120
the ransom of red chief 127
the count and the wedding guest 142
the passing of black eagle 150
a midsummer masquerade 165
the pendulum 173
one thousand dollars 179
the purple dress 187
the roads we take 194
the red roses of tonia 200
the social triangle 211
skylight room 218
telemachus, friend 226
a technical error 235
the trimmed lamp 243
while the auto waits 257
a cosmopolite in a café 263
conscience in art 270
confessions of a humorist 278
the fool-killer 289
fox-in-the-morning 299
the green door 309
the gold that glittered 318
the marionettes 328
after twenty years 344
a retrieved reformation 349
the last leaf 360

欧.亨利短篇小说集-世界名著珍藏版 节选


