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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

练习说再见-英汉对照 本书特色


练习说再见-英汉对照 内容简介

人生是一段反复练习的旅程。   练习承受生命中的每次别离,   练习度过没有你的日子,   练习一个人独自生活,   练习和*亲爱的人相守相伴,   练习如何去爱……   “练习”系列,陪你走过人生里的每段练习。

练习说再见-英汉对照 目录

*后的告别say goodbye to you
 婚礼之舞the wedding dance
 一只狗的遗嘱the last will and testament of an extremely distinguished dog
 *爱红蝴蝶结the puppy with a red bow
 一只狗狗的告白a dog’s last will
 美丽心灵the integrity of “ugly”
 永远的朋友friends forever
 果冻心jelly hearts
 献给佑兰的玫瑰roses for yolande
 杰里米的空蛋壳jeremy’s empty egg
 “真好看。”她说 “beautiful.”she said
 妈妈与孩子mother and child
 罗比的钢琴课robby’s piano lessons
再见,时光 say goodbye to my time 
 你所记得的all you remember
 阳光下的时光hours in the sun
 我的人生已逝my life is over
 当时光已逝my life is over
 朝暮之年of youth and age
 梦中儿女dream children
 父爱无声silent father-love
 送 行seeing people off
 爱在无语时words from a father
 爱之花悄然绽放love in bloom
 女儿上学了sending kids off to school
 长大成人when allie left home
 爱之花悄然绽放love in bloom
 女儿上学了sending kids off to school
告别昨天的自己say goodbye to yesterday
 女儿结婚了father of the bride
 递给母亲的甜蜜抚慰squeeze my hand and i’ll tell you that i love you
 与父亲共舞 a dance with dad
 我考了i made a 41
 电话里的朋友a friend on the line
 我的好妹妹the importance of conscience
 当女儿发脾气the tantrum
 一只矶鹞会带给你快乐a sandpiper to bring you joy
 爱如断臂love is just like a broken arm
 昔为人子,今为人父once the son, now the father
 等待微风waiting for the breeze
 人生处处是转角always changing
 别在头发上的花儿the flower in her hair
 父子伙伴情a boy and his father become partners
 别浪费你宝贵的时间don’t waste precious time

练习说再见-英汉对照 作者简介


