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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

计算机英语-(第4版) 本书特色

  《计算机英语(第4版)》涉及计算机与计算机科学的基础知识、计算机体系结构、计算机语言与编程、软件开发、软件过程、数据库、计算机网络、因特网、移动与云计算、计算机安全、计算机文化、电子商务等深刻影响我们生活的信息技术。《计算机英语(第4版)》以计算机领域英语时文和经典原版教材为基础,通过大量精心挑选的阅读材料,配以相应的注释和练习,使读者能够快速掌握计算机领域的大量专业词汇以及相关的语法等,并提高阅读和检索计算机原版文献资料的能力。   《计算机英语(第4版)》选材广泛、图文并茂,采用双色印刷,极大方便了读者的学习和查阅。书后还附有词汇表和缩略语表。《计算机英语(第4版)》可作为高等院校计算机及相关专业“计算机英语”课程的教材,也可供参加计算机水平考试的考生、it行业的工程技术人员以及其他有需要的读者学习参考。

计算机英语-(第4版) 目录

unit 1 computer and computer science(计算机与计算机科学)
section a computer overview
section b what is computer science
section c categories of computers

unit 2 computer architecture(计算机体系结构)
section a computer hardware
section b components of an operating system
section c system organization

unit 3 computer language and programming(计算机语言与编程)
section a programming language
section b the java language
section c arrays

unit 4 software development(软件开发)
section a computer program
section b model driven development
section c distributed systems

unit 5 software process(软件过程)
section a software process models
section b software testing techniques
section c what is a design pattern

unit 6 database(数据库)
section a database overview
section b maintaining database integrity
section c data mining

unit 7 computer network(计算机网络)
section a network fundamentals
section b a guide to network topology
section c network connecting devices

unit 8 the internet(因特网)
section a the internet
section b the layered approach to internet software
section c web basics

unit 9 mobile and cloud computing(移动与云计算)
section a cloud computing
section b the internet of things
section c mobile users

unit 10 computer security(计算机安全)
section a computer security
section b antivirus software
section c types of malicious software

unit 11 cyberculture(计算机文化)
section a using e-mail
section b designing websites
section c social issues of computer networks
unit 12 electronic commerce(电子商务)
section a electronic commerce
section b basic functions of electronic commerce software
section c online shopping

