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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

大学英语六级阅读命题报刊题源精选精练 本书特色


大学英语六级阅读命题报刊题源精选精练 内容简介


大学英语六级阅读命题报刊题源精选精练 目录

**部分 仔细阅读题报刊文章精选

passage 1

the united states values the disable children?s education


passage 2

characteristic medical treatment 个性化医疗

passage 3

teachers? wages and post negotiation 老师工资与岗位谈判

passage 4

make use of the social website to keep the society order


passage 5

smart grids 智能电网

passage 6

on?line service twitter 在线服务twitter 

passage 7

new scanning software 新的扫描软件

passage 8

the uncertain performance of children 儿童行为表现的不可靠性

passage 9

four?year comprehensive universities in us 美国的四年制综合性大学

passage 10

marine life 海洋生物

passage 11

video games and children?s school performance 电子游戏与儿童学校表现

passage 12

further study is the key to women?s achievement


passage 13

the notion and operation of crowdfunding 大众筹资的概念及运作

passage 14

the finance instability causes a huge hazard 金融不稳定导致巨大危机

passage 15

the realbenefits company seeks the capital favor


passage 16

the problem that the bit torrent causes

bit torrent程序引发的问题

passage 17

the number of illegal immigrants decline in us


passage 18

the influence of corporeal punishment upon student?s self?esteem


passage 19

how to tackle global warming 如何解决气候变暖问题

passage 20

“wi?fi in motion” services 移动wi?fi服务

passage 21

being thin satisfies people?s vanity 瘦只是为了满足虚荣

passage 22

different ways of selecting textbooks in different countries


passage 23

parents have misunderstanding in preventing and curing asthma


passage 24

the latest discovery in the andes 安第斯山区的*新考古发现

passage 25

brown fats helps to lose weight 棕色脂肪有助减肥

passage 26

plastic surgery has become the obsession of the younger american


passage 27

the latest developments in predicting earthquake 地震预报方面的新进展

passage 28

the trade protectionism during economic crisis 经济危机中的贸易保护主义

passage 29

the rivalry of coca?cola and pepsi?cola 可口可乐与百事可乐的竞争

passage 30

the rise of the web advertising industry 网络广告业的崛起

passage 31

investment fever in clean?energy 清洁能源行业投资热潮

passage 32

the shape of theme park 主题公园的发展

passage 33

the security of antarctic tourism 南极旅游的安全性

passage 34

the role of lego in enterprises 乐高玩具在企业中的作用

passage 35

the advancement of current computer games in programming


第二部分 匹配题报刊文章精选

passage 1

passage 2

passage 3

passage 4

passage 5

passage 6

passage 7

passage 8

第三部分 选词填空题报刊文章精选

passage 1

passage 2

passage 3

passage 4

passage 5

passage 6

passage 7

passage 8

大学英语六级阅读命题报刊题源精选精练 作者简介

卢根 长江商学院2010级MBA,北京新东方顶级名师,新东方二十周年功勋教师,新东方集团中级教学培训师,四六级、专四专八项目经理。其教学风格脚踏实地,学习方法简单高效,经过他的辅导,数万考生在词汇、语法方面开始质变,从而大幅提高四六级分数。他同时担任新浪、腾讯、网易、考试吧、21世纪报等媒体特约考试分析人及撰稿人。

