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高级篇-剑桥雅思核心词汇精讲精练-MP3 included

  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

高级篇-剑桥雅思核心词汇精讲精练-MP3 included 本书特色


高级篇-剑桥雅思核心词汇精讲精练-MP3 included 内容简介

错误警示:帮助考生避免常见错误   单元测试:协助考生检验自己的进步   试题练习:涵盖学术类听力、阅读以及写作测试内容   完备的单词表:方便考生随时参阅   单词注解:拓展考生词汇量,帮助考生积累词汇   有用提示:指导考生如何应对雅思考试

高级篇-剑桥雅思核心词汇精讲精练-MP3 included 目录

map of the book
ielts test summary
unit 1 human nature
unit 2 time for a change
unit 3 no man is an island
unit 4 scientific discovery
unit 5 striving to achieve
test one
unit 6 powers of persuasion
unit 7 ways and means
unit 8 state control
unit 9 natural history
unit 10 rocket science
test two
unit 11 progress
unit 12 the latest thing
unit 13 urban jungle
unit 14 tackling issues
unit 15 this earth
test three
unit 16 energy efficient
unit 17 getting down to business
unit 18 law enforcement
unit 19 the media
unit 20 a matter of taste
test four
unit 21 learning vocabulary
unit 22 ielts reading
unit 23 ielts writing
unit 24 ielts listening
unit 25 ielts speaking
test five
answer key
recording scripts


高级篇-剑桥雅思核心词汇精讲精练-MP3 included
