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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

跨文化交际理论建构 本书特色

  《外教社跨文化交际丛书:跨文化交际理论建构》涵盖了一系列经过筛选的跨文化交际理论。为了这部著作的出版,gudykunst做了大量的基础性工作。在此过程中,他指出,“如今,涉及跨文化交际各个层面的理论至少有15个。”(gudykunst,2002,p.183)这些理论可分成七大类:意义建构、沟通准则、文化模式、调整和适应、身份认同的形成和调整、人际交流的心理过程,以及传播的组群和网络。(klyukanov,2005,p.1)遗憾的是,尽管gudykunst收录的理论涉及面很广,但他却将相当一部分理论排除在外。比如,他只字未提有关价值观的众多理论(或许他认为价值观的理论只是对文化模式的解释),以及有关冲突、非言语交际、符号模式的交流(或符号学)等一系列在跨文化领域颇具影响力的理论。这些没有被gudykunst收录的理论,在其他许多跨文化教材中都作为重点进行了介绍。应该承认,《外教社跨文化交际丛书:跨文化交际理论建构》缺乏的是一种多范式的理论视野,如martin和nakayama(1999)总结出的四个典型范式,或john baldwin等人(2006)提到的五个范式;或者说是gudykunst忽略了“交际的理论建构作为一种社会实践的其他表述方法。”

跨文化交际理论建构 内容简介


跨文化交际理论建构 目录

part ⅰ: introduction
1. theorizing about intercultural communication: an introduction
lvilliam b. gudylzunst. carmen m. lee. tsulzasa nisbida. and naoto ogarna
part ⅱ: theories of communication incorporating culture
2. the coordinated management of meaning (cmm) w. barnett pearce
3. speech codes theory: restatement,
revisions, and response to criticisms
gerry pbilipsen. lisa m. coutu. and patricia covarrubias
part ⅲ: theories focusing on cross-ultural variability in communication
4. the matrix of face: an updated face-negotiation theory
stella ting-toomey
5. culture-based conversational constraints
theory: individual- and culture-level analyses min-sun kim
part ⅳ: theories focusing on adaptations in interactions
6. communication accommodation theory
cindy gallois. tania ogay. and howard giles
7. cross-cultural and intercultural applications of expectancy violations theory and interaction adaptation theory
judee k. burgoon and arriy s. ebesu hubbard
8. from the margins to the center: utilizing co-cultural theory in diverse contexts
mark p. orbe and regina e. spellers
part ⅴ: theories focusing on identity
9. identity management theory: facework in intercultural relationships
tadasu todd imabori and william r. cupacb
10. identity negotiation theory: crossing cultural boundaries
stella ting-toomey
11. theorizing cultural identifications: critical updates and continuing evolution
mary jane collier
12. a communication theory of identity: development, theoretical perspective, and future directions
micbael l. hecbt, jennifer r. warren. eura jung, and janice l. krieger
part ⅵ: theories focusing on effec flve communica flon and decisions
13. an anxiety/uncertainty management (aum) theory of effective communication: making the mesh of the net finer
william b. gudylzunst
14. association and dissociation: a contextual theory of interethnic communication
young yun kim
15. effective intercultural workgroup communication theory
jobn g. oetzel
part ⅶ: theories focusing on adjustment and acculturation
16. adapting to a new culture: an integrative communication theory
young yun kim
17. cultural schema theory
hiroko nisbida
18. an anxiety/uncertainty management (aum) theory of strangers intercultural adjustment
william b. gudykunst
about the editor
about the contributors

跨文化交际理论建构 作者简介

  古迪昆斯特(William B.Gudykunst),是美国加利福尼亚州立大学富勒顿分校言语交际系终身教授,是国际跨文化传播和交际研究领域的泰斗之一。他生前的最后一本著作《跨文化交际理论建构》包含了该领域众多权威学者提出的一系列核心理论,可以说是跨文化交际研究的一个理论宝库。全书共分七个部分,收录了18篇经典论文,涉及该学科的各个研究层面,如意义建构、沟通准则、文化模式、调整和适应、身份认同的形成和调整、人际交流的心理过程,以及传播的组群和网络等。

