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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

犯罪与犯罪学篇-立场-辩证思维训练-11 本书特色

《立场——辩证思维训练:犯罪与犯罪学篇(第11版)》为原版引进系列丛书(taking sides)之一,涵盖十个话题,每个话题针对一个犯罪学相关问题进行正反两方面的辨析,严谨辩证,可读性强。

犯罪与犯罪学篇-立场-辩证思维训练-11 内容简介

“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛指定用书; 常青藤教育出版社经典系列,畅销全球三十年,再版十余次; 英语论说文典范——复旦大学朱绩崧博士(《英汉大词典》第三版主编,@文冤阁大学士,)执笔导读; 英语辩论实战教材——北京外国语大学李溪(***辩论赛总裁判长)亲用推荐。

犯罪与犯罪学篇-立场-辩证思维训练-11 目录

导读 英语思辨,攻错他山 朱绩崧 v
preface xv
topic guide xvii
introduction xviii

issue 1. is crime beneficial to society?
issue 2. is a person’s body type clearly linked to criminal behavior?
issue 3. is exposure to pornography related to increased rates of rape?
issue 4. should it be a crime to download copyrighted music from the internet?
issue 5. are supermax (control unit) prisons an appropriate way to punish hardened criminals?
issue 6. does imprisoning drug offenders reduce crime rates?
issue 7. is capital punishment a bad public policy?
issue 8. do strict gun control laws reduce the number of homicides in the united states?
issue 9. should it be lawful for the police to conduct jailhouse strip searches of persons
arrested for minor offenses?
issue 10. should an imprisoned convict who claims innocence have a constitutional right to
access the state’s evidence for dna testing?

contributors to this volume

犯罪与犯罪学篇-立场-辩证思维训练-11 作者简介

《立场——辩证思维训练:犯罪与犯罪学篇(第11版)》的编者托马斯?J. 希基是美国纽约州立大学文理学院院长、政府学教授。

