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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

THE TOPMOST-绝顶-英文 本书特色

小说《绝顶》通过对一群当代青年知识分子的刻画和塑造,反映了人类同自身所处的环境,同自己的命运和意志力对话、抗争、交流的过程。在肖顿河、安群、丁首都、小川原兵卫、肖五洲、安娜等这样一些不安于现状,不断地寻求挑战,不断地超越自我,不断地向着理想境界攀登的人物身上,我们能强烈地感受到人类崇高的精神追求的魅力和生命的尊严。这种魅力和尊严,不只是体现在作为象征意义而强烈描画出来的梅里雪山卡瓦博格峰和阿尔卑斯山的勃朗峰之上,更重要的是,它是从现实生活的土壤里生长起来的,它交织着人们现实的困惑、焦虑、怯懦、勇敢、追求、抗争,交织着生与死、爱与恨、聚与散。 The Topmost is a novel relating how some modern educated youths, headed by Xiao Dunhe, An Qun, Ding Shoudu, Ogawa, Xiao Wuzhou and An Na, struggle to overcome their hard life, using all their willpower to reach the pinnacle in various fields. This is typically shown in their bid to climb Kawagarbo, the extremely difficult main peak of Meri Snow Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, as well as Mont Blanc in the European Alps. Through this, we see confusion, anxiety, cowardice and courage, and the hard pursuit of dreams, intertwined with life and death, and love and hate…

THE TOPMOST-绝顶-英文 内容简介

张海迪曾说:“虽然残疾限制了我行走的自由,但文学想象力却给了我无限的空间,让我的生命和一座遥远神秘的雪山连接起来,让它的美丽和圣洁映衬出理想与失落、灿烂与黯淡。在缺少了英雄主义的今天,我把无畏的气概交给绝顶的攀登者了,他们身上也许有我的理想主义的痕迹,他们的攀登就是我的生活态度——只要生命不完结,就不会停止攀登。”你会被《绝顶》里的人物感动,因为在对生命意义的追寻中,理想主义和英雄主义是有普世性的。 hang Haidi says, “Although disability limits my freedom to walk, literary imagination gives me infinite space, linking my life with a distant, mysterious snow-capped mountain, whose beauty and holy silhouette combine to highlight ideals and losses, bright aspects and dismay that are part of life. Today, when there seems to be an absence of heroism, I try to reveal the dauntless spirit of those who climb toward the mountain summit in an attempt to find traces of the idealism I cherish. Here lies my attitude toward life - the climb will not end as long as life continues.” Readers will be moved by the heroes and heroines of The Topmost, as they surely also admire idealism and heroism in their pursuit of a beautiful tomorrow.

THE TOPMOST-绝顶-英文 作者简介

张海迪,1955年9月生,中国山东济南人。作家、中国作家协会全国委员会委员。曾任山东省作家协会副主席兼创作室主任。已出版:长篇小说《轮椅上的梦》《绝顶》《天长地久》;散文集《生命的追问》《我的德国笔记》《美丽的英语》《不沉的船》;翻译作品《丽贝卡在新学校》《莫多克——一头大象的真实故事》《一只旧箱子》。另出版有《海迪自选集》(六卷本)。2008年当选中国残疾人联合会主席。 Born in September 1955 in Ji’nan, Shandong Province of China, Zhang Haidi (f.) has been Chairperson of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation since 2008. Praised as a first-class writer, she is a Member of the National Committee of the China Writers Association. She used to be Vice-Chairperson of the Shandong Provincial Writers Association. Her published works include: Wheelchair Dream, The Topmost, and Everlasting (novels); Questions of Life, My German Diary, Beautiful English, and Unsinkable Boat (prose); and Chinese translated works of First Term at Trebizon, Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived, etc. She has also published Optional Works of Haidi (six volumes).

