世界奇才精英大揭秘-人生不设限-四步法英语阅读特训 本书特色
阅读加速度,不再是梦!书中特别增加了实用易学的英语速读技巧,如跳读法、生词定位、识别主题句等,清晰透彻的讲解与原汁原味英文完美结合,轻松学以致用,瞬间把书读薄!step by step 5个步骤帮助读者提高英语阅读技巧。书中为读者制定了30天阅读计划,每天10分钟,day by day让英语阅读实现质的飞跃!
世界奇才精英大揭秘-人生不设限-四步法英语阅读特训 内容简介
fast english reading高效阅读 只需四步 眼球训练 一目十行
经典语录x原味英文x阅读技巧=畅快阅读so easy!
世界奇才精英大揭秘-人生不设限-四步法英语阅读特训 目录
精彩速览step01 眼球训练 一目十行day01 地球上*好的厨师/best chef on the planetday02 建筑界的毕加索/picasso of architecture day03 nba史上*具统治力的中锋/the mostdominant center everday04 癫狂的魔法师导演/the madmagicianday05 泳坛飞鱼/the baltimorebulletstep02 推断能力 生词克星day06 轮椅上的奇迹/a livingmiracle on the wheelchairday07 预测到危机的“末日博士”/dr. doomwho saw it comingday08 奥巴马的“读心人”/ obama’s mind readerday09 超现实主义艺术大师/ the surrealist masterday10 乐坛吟游诗人/the minstrel ofmusicstep03 关键词句 提纲挈领day11 *热心环保的政治家/the environmentalist politicianday12 *后的现代派建筑大师/the last master of modernist architectureday13 “大孩子”经济学家/big baby economistday14 十一月先生/mr. novemberday15 演戏也需要真实/acting is about being realstep04 速度变换 游刃有余day16 永不言倦的网坛王子/ he is never tiredday17 孤独的狂想家/the lonely crackpotday18 来自全世界的女孩/a girl from the worldtownday19 哥特式鬼才导演/the gothic geniesday20 硕果仅存的肯尼迪政治家/last one of the four kennedy brothersstep05 综合特训 抢分自测day21 荷兰“冰王子”/the dutch icemanday22 从恶魔球员到天使教练/devil as a player, angel as a coachday23 烈性首相戈登·布朗/a man of intensityday24 无可替代的科林校长/better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horseday25 公共教育之父霍勒斯·曼/universal access to educationday26 *爱家的德国超模/i love my familyday27 影坛才女和她的传奇爸爸/legendary father’s accomplished daughterday28 乐坛传奇的育儿之路/fight for your childday29 *年轻的f1冠军成功的秘诀/fatherhood is his secret ofsuccessday30 浪子变慈父的“海盗船长”/from libertine to sugar daddy