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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

罗马帝国衰亡史:第一卷:Vol.Ⅰ 本书特色


罗马帝国衰亡史:第一卷:Vol.Ⅰ 内容简介


罗马帝国衰亡史:第一卷:Vol.Ⅰ 目录

contentschapter 1. the extent of the empire in the age of the antonines / 1 chapter 2. the internal prosperity in the age of the antonines / 30 chapter 3. the constitution in the age of the antonines / 64 chapter 4. the cruelty, follies and murder of commodus / 91chapter 5. sale of the empire to didius julianus / 112 chapter 6. death of severus, tyranny of caracalla, usurpation of marcinus / 137chapter 7. tyranny of maximin, rebellion, civil wars, death of maximin / 180 chapter 8. state of persion and restoration of the monarchy / 209chapter 9. state of germany until the barbarians / 228 history of the decline and fall of the roman empirechapter 10. emperors decius, gallus, aemilianus, valerian and gallienus / 255 chapter 11. reign of claudius, defeat of the goths / 302chapter 12. reigns of tacitus, probus, carus and his sons / 339 chapter 13. reign of diocletian and his three associates / 375 chapter 14. six emperors at the same time, reunion of the empire / 422 chapter 15. progress of the christian religion / 473

罗马帝国衰亡史:第一卷:Vol.Ⅰ 相关资料

    “最经典英语文库”自第一辑2013年8月上市至今,整套图书已出版六辑共90部作品。图书选本方面,皆来自世界经典名著,涉及政治、艺术、人文、诗歌、小说等各个领域,原文呈现名著原貌,满足不同读者的阅读需求,《了不起的盖茨比》《哈姆雷特》等经典读本更是为广大读者所追捧。图书设计上,完全遵循国外名著图书的经典流行开本规范,掌中书的大小便携、易读;封面设计、正文版式、印刷材质等方面更是精益求精,力求将最经典、最纯粹的外国文学带给广大的中国读者,更新大家的英文图书阅读习惯。     “最经典英语文库”系列图书其规模之大,品质之精在目前国内图书市场上可以称得上是独一无二,无愧经典的传承。展示分享会上还有英语爱好者的现场参与环节,学生们朗朗诵读的英文经典,完美体现了“倡导原味阅读,共享世界经典”的出版理念,今后,我们还将陆续推出更多英文名著经典,以飨读者。  

罗马帝国衰亡史:第一卷:Vol.Ⅰ 作者简介

Edward Gibbon       Edward Gibbon (8 May 1737 - 16 January 1794) was an English historian. His most important work, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was published in six volumes between 1776 and 1788 and is known for the quality and irony of its prose, its use of primary sources, and its open criticism of organized religion.

