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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

《中华人民共和国史稿》简明读本-英文 本书特色


《中华人民共和国史稿》简明读本-英文 目录

introductionthe arduous course of the establishment of thepeople's republic of china 1. chinas earliest attempts at "the working class building the state anew" 2. "a separatist armed regime of workers and peasants" and the founding of the china soviet republic 3. from a republic of workers and peasants to a democratic republic 4. striving for a democratic coalition governmentchapter 1the birth of the people's republic and establishment ofsocialist system section 1. finishing the remnant tasks of democratic revolution 1. wiping out the remnant kmt forces and the bandits on the mainland 2. peaceful liberation of tibet 3. confiscating bureaucratic capital and establishing a state-run economy 4. abolishing the feudal land system 5. transforming social traditions section 2. consolidating the newborn people's regime 1. the war to resist us aggression and aid korea 2. movement to suppress counter-revolutionary activities 3. movements against the "three evils" and "five evils" section 3. restoration of the national economy on the basis of unifying finance 1. stabilizing the price of goods 2. unifying financial work and economy 3. adjustment of industry and commerce 4. restoration and construction of infrastructure 5. recovery and development of industrial and agricultural production section 4. socialist industrialization and socialist transformation under the general line in the transition period 1. proposal for the general line in the transition period 2. implementation of the first five-year plan and the preliminary basis for socialist industrialization 3. socialist transformation of agriculture and handicrafts 4. socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce section 5. establishing socialist political systems and developing education, science, culture and health 1. establishing the system of people's congresses 2. new developments of the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation 3. establishing the system of regional ethnic autonomy 4. general reforms to education 5. advancing the cause of science 6. construction of ideology and culture 7. health and sports transformed section 6. progress in national defense and diplomacy 1. toward building a standard and modern revolutionary army 2. initial development of foreign relations 3. from the geneva conference to the bandung conferencechapter 2socialist construction started on all fronts section 1. starting exploring a road of socialism suited to chinas realities 1. the starting point - "on the ten major relationships" 2. the contribution of the eighth cpc national congress 3. the theory for correct handling of contradictions among the people 4. the rectification movement, the anti-rightist struggle, and their serious escalation section 2. the "great leap forward" the people's commune movement and the efforts to correct "leftist" mistakes 1. the "great leap forward" and the people's commune movement 2. the correction of"leftist" mistakes 3. the lushan meeting and the switch from correcting "leftism" to opposing rightists section 3. the "eight-character policy" for comprehensive economic adjustment 1. the "eight-character policy" and encouragement of investigation and study 2. the 60 articles for agriculture and other regulations 3. the seven thousand cadres conference 4. adjustments in all fields 5. preliminary reform of the economic structure 6. getting through hard times by self-reliance and hard work section 4. economic adjustment accomplished, yet "leftist" errors not corrected 1. the first session of the third npc and completion of national economic adjustment 2. the third five-year plan and spread of"third line" construction 3. re-emphasizing class struggle 4. urban and rural socialist education movement 5. overdone political criticism in the field of ideology section 5. achievements in all fields during 1956-1965 1. remarkable achievements in economic construction 2. breakthrough in science and technology 3. culture, education, health and sports developing as their foundations laid 4. progress in ethnic affairs while defending national unity 5. progress in national defense and army construction 6. independent foreign policy of peacechapter 3ten years of "cultural revolution" section 1. the launching of the "cultural revolution" and the struggles against its mistakes 1. the cause and detonating fuse of the "cultural revolution" 2. the all-round launching of the "cultural revolution" 3. "january power seizure" in shanghai, and turmoil engulfing china 4. the party and the people resisting ultra-left mistakes section 2. preparing for the fourth npc amid the struggle with lin biao and ]iang qing groups 1. establishment of revolutionary committees at all levels 2. the struggle to crush the scheme of lin biao counter-revolutionary group 3. reversing "february adverse current" judgments, and criticisms of ultra-left trend of thought 4. jiang qing's scheme to "form the cabinet" frustrated and the'fourth npc convened section 3. development of the socialist cause despite the damage sustained 1. preliminary construction of an independent and relatively comprehen- sive industrial and economic system 2. improved conditions for farm output, and slow development of rural economy 3. education, culture, health and the people's livelihood 4. opposing hegemony, opening a new situation in diplomacy section 4. the ending of the "cultural revolution" 1. deng xiaoping taking charge of reorganization in 1975 2. the movement of"counter-attacking the rightist trend of reversing verdicts" 3. crushing the "gang of four" 4. historical lessons learnt from the "cultural revolution"chapter 4the great historic turn and the start of reform andopening up section 1. setting things right and a great historic turn 1. initial results of setting things right, and recovery of the economy 2. great debate on the criterion for truth 3. the third plenary session of the 1 lth cpc central committee 4. the resolution on certain questions in the history of our party since the founding of the people's republic of china section 2. adjustment and structural reform of the economy 1. the adjustment-centered "eight-character policy" 2. breakthroughs in rural reform, and rural economy growing fast 3. experiments and exploration in urban economic structural reform 4. opening up to the outside world taking initial shape section 3. political structural reform and development of democracy and legal system 1. initial steps in political structural reform 2. a new constitution and the first session of the sixth npc 3. a severe crack-down on crime 4. the proposal and practice of"one country, two systems" 5. general objectives for national defense and army construction section 4. development of socialist culture and ethics 1. building a socialist civilization that is culturally and ideologically advanced, the initiative and practice 2. development of education, science and culture 3. the struggle against bourgeois liberalization section 5. opening up a new situation of independent and peaceful diplomacy 1. the tortuous development of china-us relations 2. growing d~tente in sino-soviet relations 3. all-round development of friendly relations with foreign countries section 6. the proposition and exploration of "building socialism with chinese characteristics" 1. the 12th cpc national congress and the proposal to "build socialism with chinese characteristics" 2. the sixth five-year plan 3. the third plenary session of the 12th cpc central committee, and its decision on reform of the economic structure 《中华人民共和国史稿》简明读本-英文
