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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

实用酒店英语 内容简介

本书以Murphy一家入住三亚亚龙湾红树林度假酒店为故事主线编纂对话, 共分为四大板块: 前厅服务、饮食服务、客房服务和康乐服务。每个版块根据实际情况又分为多个单元, 基本囊括了酒店所有的服务内容, 具有专业性和实用性的特点。

实用酒店英语 目录

Module I Reception Service
Unit 1 Reservation
Unit 2 Reservation Change
Unit 3 Check-in
Unit 4 Baggage Service
Unit 5 Message-Taking Service
Unit 6 Morning Call Service
Unit 7 Ticket & Car Reservation Service
Unit 8 Cheek-out

Module II Food and Beverage Service
Unit 1 Booking a Reservation
Unit 2 Table Service
Unit 3 At the Bar

Module III Housekeeping Service
Unit 1 Laundry
Unit 2 Child Care
Unit 3 Dealing with Damage
Unit 4 Asking for Repair

Module IV Recreation Service
Unit 1 Beach & Swimming Pool
Unit2 Fitness Club
Unit 3 Spa Center

Appendix 1 Laundry Form
Appendix 2 Room Type
Appendix 3 Departments in Hotel
Appendix 4 Position in Hotel
Appendix 5 Words and Expressions in Resort
Appendix 6 Famous Hotel Brand in Hainan
Appendix 7 Banquet Service English
Answers to Part II and Part III
Reference 实用酒店英语
