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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

全球治理的中国方案(英)/全球治理的中国方案丛书 本书特色

何亚非,男,1955年3月出生,浙江宁波人。北京外国语学院研究生毕业,曾在日内瓦国际关系学院学习。曾任中国常驻联合国代表团参赞,外交部军控司副司长,驻美国使馆公使衔参赞、公使,外交部美大司司长,外交部部长助理,外交部副部长,中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表、大使,国务院侨务办公室副主任。 He Yafei is the former vice minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and that of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, People’s Republic of China. He Yafei has held many illustrious positions, such as counsellor, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations; deputy director-general, Arms Control Department in Ministry of Foreign Affairs; minister-counsellor, Embassy of China in the United States; director-general, America and Pacific Department; assistant minister and vice minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; representative and ambassador, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland.

全球治理的中国方案(英)/全球治理的中国方案丛书 内容简介

In the context of rapid globalization worldwide over the past few decades, China has been trying to gain a louder voice in the international community. In China and Global Governance, He Yafei, a renowned career diplomat, reviews the origin and evolution of the concept of global governance and describes the gradual shift from the present governance by the West, its monopoly of global affairs, to joint governance by East and West, which champions multipolarity. Moreover, the author presents China’s perspectives, means, and goals concerning global governance—advancing the innovative Belt and Road Initiative, striving for global peace and mutual benefits in bilateral and multilateral relations, and building a shared future for mankind.

全球治理的中国方案(英)/全球治理的中国方案丛书 目录

PrefaceChapter One Global Governance: Concept and System1.1 Evolution, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction1.2 System Design and Order ReconstructionChapter Two Practice and Evolution2.1 The Practice2.2 Predicament and ChallengesChapter Three Toward Joint Governance by the East and West3.1 Global Governance Needs Wisdom of the East3.2 Changes in Global Governance Rules and Chinese WisdomChapter Four Trekking New Paths in Global Governance4.1 Global Governance at the Crossroads4.2 Shouldering the Historic Mission of a Responsible Major CountryChapter Five China’s Historic Choice and Current Mission5.1 Why China’s Participation in Global Governance is Necessary5.2 The Belt and Road Becomes “New Consensus” in Global GovernanceChapter Six China’s Actions in the New Era6.1 Deepening Participation in Global Governance of the New Era6.2 Leading Systemic Transformation and Upgrading 全球治理的中国方案(英)/全球治理的中国方案丛书
