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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

趣味汉语轻松学 本书特色

  《DK 趣味汉语轻松学》语料来源于日常生活及对外汉语会话教材。会话场景的涉及面较广,涉及到学习、购物、旅游等日常生活的多方面。
  《DK 趣味汉语轻松学》既可作为初学汉语的人会话学习的帮手,也可作为有一定汉语基础的人在听话过程中遇到理解困难时的参考。

趣味汉语轻松学 作者简介

  Elinor Greertwood graduated from Leeds University with a degree in Modern Chinese Studies. She has lived and worked in China for many years. She presently lives near Cambridge and divides her time between writing language books and teaching children Mandarin. She is the author of Easy Peasy Chinese and Fun and Easy Chinese.

