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  2020-06-15 00:00:00  

外贸英语函电(职业教材) 本书特色


外贸英语函电(职业教材) 目录

Preface 前言
Chapter 1 Language Style and Layout of a Business Letter .
Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations and Credit Status Enquiries .12
Chapter 3 Sales Promotion 25
Chapter 4 Business Negotiation 34
Chapter 5 Order and Business Contract 51
Chapter 6 Terms of Payment 66
Chapter 7 Letter of Credit. 78
Chapter 8 Packing, Marking and Shipment.94
Chapter 9 Insurance .106
Chapter 10 Claim and Settlement. 119
Chapter 11 Agency129

Common Terms in International Trade 139

Common Abbreviations in International Trade 150

Resource Interlinks . 160
Keys to Practice and Training . 161
References193 外贸英语函电(职业教材)
